Missions and Outreach Goals
To lead the congregation in developing a working partnership with local missions. Specifically, the ministry team would ask each of its members to serve as a contact for one local mission, to work as a volunteer with the assigned mission, and to present to the team at least bi-monthly an up-to-date report on the missions’ activities. Among the missions that the church supports locally are:
Young Lives/Young Life
Rushton’s Hope
Hope Health Clinic
Food Pantry — 5 loaves and 2 fish
Habitat for Humanity
Meals on Wheels – Council on Aging Spalding County
Christian Women’s Center
Backpack Food for Kids
Youth Mission Trips
To encourage the congregation in volunteering for such local missions
To lead the congregation in collaborating with local churches and/or missions on ministry to the homeless in our community. Specifically, to enhance our current partnership with United Christian Fellowship beyond the Christmas dinner by assigning one team member as a contact with that church.
To lead the congregation in inviting others in the community to participate in our church’s activities.
To continue having speakers from local missions talk to the Covenant Sunday School class.
To invite one member of our congregation per month to speak briefly in the worship service about a local mission he/she has been involved in.
To evaluate the missions we support and continue support as appropriate.
To continually evaluate additional missions for support as funds become available.