
to know Love Joy Hope Jesus

Sundays 11am

What to Expect

Are You New Here?

Whether you are finding your way to a church for the first time or the millionth time, you are welcome at First Pres. When you visit, you’re family. And in our family, we desire this home to be a place where you know Jesus and are known be Him.


Worship With Us

We understand how hard it can be to step into a new environment for the first time. At First Pres, we want to make your experience as enjoyable as possible from the moment you walk in the door. We have plenty of greeters to help you out when you arrive.

Last Sunday

Your Journey

Birth to 5th Grade. At First Pres we long to be like Jesus, who called the little children unto himself. Your child will come to grow in Jesus through a safe and nurturing environment every Sunday.

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6th Grade to 12th Grade. At First Pres, we believe in maturing disciples. Our Students will have conversations where scripture is central, and Jesus is the priority that they may grow in maturity.

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Christ’s directive is clear, we are to be disciples making disciples. At First Pres, we want everyone to be marked by a relationship with Jesus that they can then share with their family, friends, neighbors and strangers. 

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First Pres believes that as the Body of Christ is built up, they are to be sent out. Find a place to partner with other followers of Jesus to serve in the local community as we fulfill the command to bless as we have been blessed.

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