Sunday School
PreK (2’s-3’s)-5 year use the Jesus Storybook Bible to teach that all the stories of the Bible whisper the name of Jesus.
1st-4th Grade: Fall – Worshiping God – “The Joys and Duties of Worship; Winter -Listening to Jesus – The Teachings of Jesus From the Gospels; Spring -Telling Others – Stories From Acts; Summer – Trusting God – Finding Out the Greatness and Goodness of the Heavenly Father.
5th Grade Group: This group is connecting the dots of God’s redemptive history in chronological order through a survey of the books of the Bible. This school year they are studying the Old Testament – Fall: Genesis – Creation the Fall, the flood, the Abrhamic covenant, the patriarchs, and Joseph. Winter: Exodus to Ruth – the redemptive acts of God in dealing with his covenant people. Spring: 1 Samuel to Esther: The reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, the captivity in Babylon, and the return of the exiles. Summer: Job to Malachi – songs, proverbs, and prophets.
Children’s Church
Children’s church is provided for 1st – 4th grade during the worship service. After the children’s sermon, this age group goes to their room for their own worship time with their leader. They are taught about the aspects of our worship service and our fatih using the Book of Order and the Book of Confessins.
Nursery is provided for Kindergarten and younger.
Wednesday Night Children’s programming
Our Wednesday Program starts right after supper and last to 7:30. Our volunteers teach ages 4 through 5th grade with a variety of activities including songs, stories and plays.